Real Student Loan Forgiveness.
Whether you work in public service or have been paying for years, I’ll put you in a position to get your student loans forgiven.

See the end of the road.
There’s so much noise about student loan forgiveness and cancellation that it’s hard to know what relief you qualify for.
Let’s turn down the volume.
I’ll match you with the best program to wipe out your debt in a hurry.
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FT Guides
8+ YR
Solving student loan problems
Managed student debt
People helped
Projected loan forgiveness

I was completely mentally crippled by my student loans until I hired Stanley Tate. He jumped to it and worked with absolutely ZERO judgement.”
Scotty N.

I am a lawyer myself with very large student loan debt. Tate knows his stuff and quickly got to the point with my options. He laid it all out in an easy to understand way.”
Julie N.

Tate will tell you he is not a miracle worker, but he certainly has been for me. In short, I paid him to set me up on the lowest payment plan possible... ”
Linda A.

I paid on my private student loan for years and got nowhere. I defaulted and tried to negotiate the loans myself, but was unsuccessful. I hired Mr. Tate and he got me a better settlement than I expected.”
Gail C.

Mr. Tate is literally everything and a cookie on top! He stayed in constant contact with me and eased my nerves when I was stressing out. Oh, and he got me a better settlement than he told me to expect.”
Daniel O.
Questions & ANSWERS
Do I need to hire a student loan lawyer?
You don't need to hire a student loan attorney. Just like you don't need to order takeout. You hire a student loan lawyer because you want qualified, professional help for your student loan debt.
Can't I do most of this stuff myself?
Absolutely! I tell people all the time, you're not hiring me because you can't do it. You can. You're smart. You have a lot of education, and you kick ass at work. You hire me for peace of mind, to reduce your anxiety, to sleep easy knowing a skilled professional is taking care of things for you.
Can you help lower student loan payments?
While I may not be able to lower your total student debt, I likely can choose the best repayment plan for you. That way, you'll always have affordable student loan payments.
Do you help with defaulted student loans?
Yes. I work with debt collectors to get you out of default, stop wage garnishment, protect your tax refund from offset, and so on.
Can you help me even if I live out of state?
Unless you're being sued for a student loan, I can help you with most things, no matter where you live. If you're being sued, you'll need to speak with a lawyer in your state.
How much do you charge?
My fee for most things starts at around $3 thousand. I may allow you to pay that fee in monthly installments, depending on your situation.
What state are you licensed to practice in?
I am licensed in Missouri and several federal courts.
How do I hire you?
Schedule a call with me so I can review your loans and better understand the options available to you. From there, I'll quote you a fee and prepare a contract.
What's your favorite bourbon?
That depends on what I'm drinking. If I'm going neat, I'll sip on Angels Envy or Whistle Pig 12 year. But if I'm having an Old Fashioned or a Boulevardier, I prefer Noah's Mill. The higher proof really cuts through the sweetness.